We have spent most of our lives reaching out to the general public with caring ministries. We have always loved auctions. We lived in many states and communities that have had auctions and enjoyed going to them, and both buying and selling.
We lived in Mason City, Iowa where one of the famous auction schools is. They have three auctions a week which we attended at least 1 or 2 every week. Our kids began buying and selling when they were very young.
We are very proud of our family. Son-in-law Daren – Daughter Alisonand our greatest joy Super Cooper our grandson going on one year. Plus our wonderful son Carl and beautiful daughter-in-law Christine, and our wonderful and beloved son Mark who we lost in year 2000.
So we hope you enjoy our unique auctions of the strange, the old, the unique, the collectible and the practical. So we say Bid – Win and Enjoy! We hope you do!